Ana Səhifə» 2009»Aprel»14 » Lenkeran futbolunun bir esrlik tarixinden behs eden 300-sehifelik möhteşem kitab
Lenkeran futbolunun bir esrlik tarixinden behs eden 300-sehifelik möhteşem kitab
Tezlikle Lenkeran futbolunun bir esrlik tarixinden behs eden 300-sehifelik möhteşem kitab oxucularla goruşe gelecek. Mehz kitabla tanışlıqdan sonra hamı emin olacaq ki, Lenkeran futbolunun tarixi XIX esrin evvellerine gedib çixir. Indiye qeder heç yerde deyilmeyen, yazılmayan bütün meqamlar, heç yerde çap olunmayan tarixi foto şekiller, Hüseyn Cebrayıloğlununhemmüellifi oldugu
"Cenub futbolunun inkişaf tarxi"adli kitabda. Az qalıb...
This is a great blog. It warms my heart. Your livingroom with tree looks so cozy. But did you have to glue Barney to the chair or did he stay there by hieslmf? Small person with her jewelry is hilarious. I don't know what it reminds me of, but I think I once had a book as a child showing a person with a very long white beard that trailed behind him. Sometimes you could only see the beard while the person already was around the corner. Eliza's pictures of the silver chain with and without her reminded me of it.Still sick, sick, sick. I need a hot toady, whatever that may be. It sounds good.
Goresen Sponsor problemi hell olundumu?Lenkeran futbolunun heqiqetleri haqda kitab biz futbol fanatlari ucun hediyyedir.Tesekkurler Huseyn Cebrayilogluna.